Sunday, February 15, 2009

Feb 15: President Ikeda's To My Friends

Please find below SGI President Ikeda’s daily encouragement “To My Friends,” which appears in the Soka Gakkai daily newspaper, Seikyo Shimbun:

February 15, 2009
The power of the Buddha
in the depths of our lives
is boundless.
Be an individual of courageous faith.
That person will definitely be victorious

February 14, 2009
The gosho states,
[W]inter always turns to spring.(*)
By challenging ourselves every day with
rigorous fortitude, we are creating
causes for a triumphant life.
Let's each win and open the way
to a springtime filled with happiness and fortune
in our respective arenas.

(*)"Winter Always Turns to Spring," WND I, p. 536.

February 13, 2009
The great citadel of Soka is
rock solid due to the efforts of
our [women's division,]
"mothers" of kosen-rufu.
Let's pay our utmost respect
to the women's division, protect them,
and praise them.
Therein lies the ever-victorious path.